View from the right 3



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View from the right volume 3: Alain de Benoist

In this third and culminating volume of his magisterial View from the Right, founder of the French New Right Alain de Benoist concludes his remarkable ‘Critical Anthology of Contemporary Ideas’.

Volume III: Controversies and Viewpoints brings de Benoist’s encyclopaedic knowledge to bear on a startlingly wide range of figures and ideas, in a series of essays which are united by a singular power of level-headed discernment.

The topics treated include matters as diverse as the validity or falsity of parapsychology, capitalism versus communism and East versus West, touching on periods and places as different as Imperial Japan, Confucian China and Hitler’s Germany, and addressing, through careful consideration of the internal conflicts of contemporary France, pressing questions regarding ethnicity and citizenship, nationhood and union, power and politics, spirituality and secularism. The survey that results from this symphony of perspectives is as panoramic as it is rich, stimulating new ideas at every turn and building up finally to the great political and geopolitical challenges of our time.


401 sivua



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